Java Infinite Loop


An infinite loop in Java is a loop that never terminates or exits on its own. Infinite loops can be created intentionally or accidentally, and they can cause your program to hang or crash. It's important to be able to recognize and avoid infinite loops in your Java programs.

Here is an example of an intentional infinite loop in Java:

while (true) {
    // code that executes repeatedly

This code creates an infinite loop that continues to execute the loop body repeatedly as long as the condition is true. Since the condition true is always true, the loop will never terminate on its own.

Accidental infinite loops can occur when there is a bug in your program that causes the loop condition to never become false. Here is an example of an accidental infinite loop in Java:

int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
    // code that should increment i

In this code, the loop condition is i < 10, which should cause the loop to terminate after i becomes 10. However, there is no code in the loop body that increments i, so i remains 0, and the loop condition is always true. This creates an accidental infinite loop that will continue to execute indefinitely.

To avoid accidental infinite loops, be sure to check that your loop conditions will eventually become false, and make sure that the loop body includes code that changes the loop condition. To intentionally create an infinite loop, make sure that you have a way to exit the loop, such as using a break statement or a condition that can be changed from outside the loop.