javascript 何时使用 Angular 的 $element

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时间:2020-10-28 17:36:50  来源:igfitidea点击:

When to use Angular's $element


提问by elliot-j

I've seen a few code examples where where $element is injected into an angular controller. I've spent some time trying to find any documentation for $element but havent been able to find any in angulars official docs.

我看过一些代码示例,其中$element 被注入到 angular controller 中。我花了一些时间试图找到 $element 的任何文档,但在 angulars 官方文档中找不到任何文档。

What is the $element service used for, when should I use it, and what are the best practices around it usage?

$element 服务用于什么,我应该在什么时候使用它,以及围绕它使用的最佳实践是什么?

采纳答案by Matthew Green

When you inject $elementinto a controller you get a JQlite wrapped version of the element that the controller is called from. In the case of a directive controller, it would be whatever element the directive is attached to. The only mention in the docs I could find was under the $compile description.

当您注入$element控制器时,您将获得调用控制器的元素的 JQlite 包装版本。在指令控制器的情况下,它将是指令附加到的任何元素。我能找到的文档中唯一提到的是在$compile description 下

You can see that in the following example:


angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('testCtrl', function($scope, $element) {
  .directive('testDirective', function() {
    return {
      controller: function($scope, $element) {
<script src=""></script>

<body ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="testCtrl" id="controller">Controller</div>
  <div test-directive id="directive">Directive</div>

The best practice is that you don't make any DOM changes except for in a directive and even more specifically typically in the link function. That being the case you almost never want to use the $elementin a controller because that most likely means you are approaching the solution from the wrong angle.

最佳实践是,除了在指令中,更具体地说,通常在链接函数中,您不要进行任何 DOM 更改。在这种情况下,您几乎不想$element在控制器中使用 ,因为这很可能意味着您从错误的角度接近解决方案。

回答by Marie

$elementis a jqlite (or jQuery if it is available) wrapped object containing a reference to some DOM objects as well as some helpful functions to interact with them. Any time you need to make changes to the DOM you would use $element.

$element是一个 jqlite(或 jQuery,如果可用)包含对一些 DOM 对象的引用以及一些与它们交互的有用函数的包装对象。任何时候需要对 DOM 进行更改时,都可以使用$element.

For example... If you needed to add a class to a directives DOM object you would inject $elementand call

例如...如果您需要向指令 DOM 对象添加一个类,您将注入$element并调用


You can see the documentation here


回答by georgeawg

I've spent some time trying to find any documentation for $element but havent been able to find any in angulars official docs.

我花了一些时间试图找到 $element 的任何文档,但在 angulars 官方文档中找不到任何文档。

$elementis one of four locals that $compileProvidergives to $controllerProviderwhich then gets given to $injector. The injector injects locals in your controller function only if asked.


The four locals are:


  • $scope
  • $element
  • $attrs
  • $transclude
  • $scope
  • $element
  • $attrs
  • $transclude

The official documentation: AngularJS $compile Service API Reference - controller

官方文档:AngularJS $compile Service API Reference - 控制器

The source code from Github angular.js/compile.js:

来自Github angular.js/compile.js的源代码:

 function setupControllers($element, attrs, transcludeFn, controllerDirectives, isolateScope, scope) {
    var elementControllers = createMap();
    for (var controllerKey in controllerDirectives) {
      var directive = controllerDirectives[controllerKey];
      var locals = {
        $scope: directive === newIsolateScopeDirective || directive.$$isolateScope ? isolateScope : scope,
        $element: $element,
        $attrs: attrs,
        $transclude: transcludeFn

      var controller = directive.controller;
      if (controller == '@') {
        controller = attrs[];

      var controllerInstance = $controller(controller, locals, true, directive.controllerAs);

回答by Guido Kitzing

Actually it is not a service, but is used in a directive (2nd argument in link-function).


Element is the element, that the directive matches and is a jqLite object, means you can perform jQuery-like operations on it.

Element 是指令匹配的元素,并且是一个 jqLit​​e 对象,这意味着您可以对其执行类似 jQuery 的操作。

Also, you can name this parameter $elementor elementor anything you like.


You will find more information in the official docs:


Hope that helps
