SQL Delete and Truncate Rows

In SQL, you can remove one or more rows from a table using the DELETE or TRUNCATE commands.

The DELETE command is used to remove one or more specific rows from a table that match a certain condition. For example:

DELETE FROM customers
WHERE customer_name = 'John Doe';

This statement will remove all rows from the customers table where the customer_name column contains the value 'John Doe'.

If you want to remove all rows from a table, you can use the TRUNCATE command. This command removes all rows from the table and resets any auto-increment values. For example:


This statement will remove all rows from the customers table and reset any auto-increment values associated with the table.

Note that the DELETE command is more flexible than TRUNCATE, as it allows you to remove specific rows based on a condition. However, TRUNCATE is faster and more efficient for removing all rows from a table. Also, be careful when using TRUNCATE, as it cannot be undone and will permanently delete all data from the table. Always make a backup before using TRUNCATE on a table that contains important data.