JavaScript(JS) Comments

Comments in JavaScript are lines of text that are ignored by the JavaScript interpreter. They are used to annotate and explain the code and help other programmers understand what the code does.

There are two types of comments in JavaScript: single-line comments and multi-line comments.

Single-line comments

A single-line comment starts with `//` and continues until the end of the line. Any text after `//` on the same line is ignored by the interpreter. ref‮ot re‬
// This is a single-line comment

Single-line comments are commonly used to add brief comments to a single line of code.

let x = 10; // Initialize x to 10

Multi-line comments

A multi-line comment starts with `/*` and ends with `*/`. Any text between `/*` and `*/` is ignored by the interpreter, including line breaks.
/* This is a
   multi-line comment */

Multi-line comments are commonly used to add longer comments to a section of code.

This function calculates the sum of two numbers.
@param {number} a - The first number to be added.
@param {number} b - The second number to be added.
@return {number} The sum of a and b.
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

Comments are an important part of writing readable and maintainable code in JavaScript. They help other programmers understand the code, and they can also serve as reminders to yourself of why you wrote the code a certain way.