Python Package


In Python, a package is a collection of modules that are grouped together in a directory hierarchy. Packages allow you to organize your Python code into logical groups that can be easily reused and shared with others.

A package is simply a directory containing a special file called This file is executed when the package is imported and it can contain Python code that initializes the package or sets up any necessary resources.

To use a package in a Python program, you can use the import statement with the package name followed by the module name. Here's an example:

import mypackage.mymodule


In this example, we import the myfunction() function from the mymodule module in the mypackage package. We can then call the function using the mypackage.mymodule.myfunction() syntax.

You can also use the from keyword to import specific functions or classes from a package or module. Here's an example:

from mypackage.mymodule import myfunction


In this example, we import only the myfunction() function from the mymodule module in the mypackage package. We can then call the function directly using the myfunction() syntax.

Python also provides a built-in module called sys.path that contains a list of directories that Python searches for modules and packages. You can add your own directories to this list using the sys.path.append() function. For example:

import sys


import mypackage.mymodule


In this example, we add the directory containing the mypackage package to the sys.path list using the sys.path.append() function. We can then import and use the mypackage.mymodule.myfunction() function as before.